Saturday, July 14, 2012

Last Day No. 8

So here I am. STILL at Delmore. If it had a voice it would be saying "You thought you'd be rid of me so easily did you" I have been trying to leave Delmore ever since i missed the ride to Darwin with Meri and Tom but due to there being no available utes or enough people to spare to go to town here i sit. tomorrow will be day number 128 in the outback. That is a lot of days.
The past week has been fairly relaxed when compared with the rest of the time i have spent here; the last month or two specifically. There are several new people here whom i have spent time training to take over the art and where all the bores are and other loose end kind of stuff. But not a lot of action. To tell the truth the break has been much needed. I love working in the yards and living the cowboy life but you DO need at least one day off once in a while, so the break feels good. Being in limbo however is starting to get a little frustrating but i am sure that i will be moving on with my adventures shortly.

I may have mentioned this in my last post but i have decided that the rest of my trip will be dedicated to getting back into the art swing of things. i came to delmore to get my creative pilot light going again and i feel like i have accomplished that. Now that i will have the time and tools, i want to kick in the afterburners. There are a lot of unknowing people in coffee shops in australia just waiting for me to draw them. Muhuhahaha.

I am definitely ready to get back to civilization though. If not just for the ability to have control over what i have to eat. Flavoring for food is what brought our species out of the trees i think. Some chimp was sitting in a tree eating a tasteless mass of fruit mush when they spied a shining red strawberry glinting on a bush just down below. They jumped down and stood on two legs and roared out in triumph over the other species for having left sauceless noodles and over cooked meat up in the trees. Also i need some new pants. The knee section of my diesel soaked jeans have finally given out. i tried an emergency sewing procedure but it was to no avail. They just ripped even worse right along the other edge that i sewed them on. And the entire butt-section of my other pants completely blew out from sitting on the rails of the yards and jumping up and down for too long. So i will definitely be in the market for some new pants when i get back to the real world . . . . whenever that is.

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