Saturday, May 26, 2012

Kathleen is not the only artist here at Delmore, I have been slowly filling my sketchbook with ramblings and doodles and here is a taste of some of them. Although I actually have been writing much more than I have been drawing or painting. It isn’t helped by the fact that trees and broken cars are only interesting to draw so many times and that’s all there really is to draw. There aren’t any coffee houses or streets with a lot of people walking by here. And I have already drawn buster a bunch of times. But I am of the opinion that writing is just drawing with different shaped lines. I am still exercising my idea muscle when I write or more accurately spew stream of consciousness willy nilly onto a page with no form or fashion. But I FEEL like I’m more creative and inspired than I have been in quite a while, and I guess that’s the whole reason I came out here. There are a lot of things that I would like to do when I get back to the states, most of which involve the flexing of my intracranial bicep and the mustering of enough willpower to get them done. And I’ve done plenty of mustering so I think I’ll be in good shape. But that’s enough rambling for now.

In other news there was yet another bird trapped in our house. We leave the door open most of the time and mostly just big bugs join us for lunch. This time we managed to fully complete the food chain in our living room. There is us at the top, then the big lizard that lives behind the laundry room, then the bird, then the small lizards that live behind the sink, then the spiders and occasional dragonflies, then the regular flies, moths, ants and other invertebrates that make up the bottom rung of our cycle of life.

Speaking of the food chain, our food situation is getting bad again. We are currently out of meat, and this time we have almost no bread left. Hopefully some more food will be coming from town tonight but I guess we will see.  We can always eat Buster.

Buster has this eye infection and now we have to hold him down twice a day and put drops in his eyes. That is no small feat, let me assure you. He is a very small dog but he is all muscle. I think it is helping though.

Ok the internet is not cooperating so I will put this in word and upload it later.

And now it’s a few more days later. The generator has been acting up and I think it’s on it’s last legs. We have a back up generator but that’s on it’s last legs as well. Also there is a replacement generator but it is the wring brand or something so we can’t install it. SOOOO I guess the power may be about as spotty as the internet. HAHA.

I just heard on the news this morning about this island called Vanuatu off the coast that has the world’s most active volcano at the moment. If it is still going in a month or two I think I am going to look into plane tickets. Big Australian cities are cool but standing on the rim of an erupting volcano is freaking awesome! We’ll see though it may be out of my budget.

It has gotten pretty cold here in the two months since I have arrived. Today it is 17 degrees C which is low 60’s F which I suppose is not that cold but compared to the 106 degrees F that it was a few weeks ago it is freezing. Also considering that there is less than zero insulation here you can bet that much of the after dinner activities take place around the well used wood oven.

We saw a tv documentary about poisonous animals in the outback and the guy was in Alice Springs talking about all of the various critters that live around me. I found myself saying “Hey! I saw one of those in the paint cabinet or Look, by the phone! There’s one now!” Or my favorite “Hey! One of those took a crap on our living room floor!” (not even joking about the last one) also it turns out that the snake I was playing with a few weeks ago may be the most venomous snakes in the entire world. And I picked it up with my bare hands….. tee hee.

“Snakes with a round shaped head aren’t poisonous guys…” famous last words.

Also I have found that the picture uploader on facebook is much more efficient than the one on blogger so i may be uploading pictures to there from now on. 

I think that might work. 

Also one of the other guys here is on a bike trip around the world. he has essentially biked to australia from Denmark. Minus water and certain warzones. his very cool website is

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