Friday, July 6, 2012

The Complete History of an Almost Escape.

The past two weeks have not been kind to Delmore. The generator has broken, the homestead bore has broken, one girls foot was broken by a charging bull and another is lucky to be alive at all after flipping a ute, Don nearly sliced his thumb in half, two more utes are out of commission due to clogged engines, another person smashed a rental car on the corner of another rental car and a whole host of other small mess ups and accidents have plagued us in the past few weeks. All of that is on top of having tons of cattle work to do. I haven’t been able to write much let alone think I’ve been so busy. But the end is in sight. I am leaving on Friday. It was one of those chance decisions that pop up and you just go with. Tom and Meri the gardeners from utopia . . .  did I mention them before? They were the people that randomly showed up one night and dropped off Celine. Tom and Meri turned out to be two cool guys that are doing perma-culture gardening in the aboriginal communities up in Utopia. They showed up to pay Celine a visit and Meri mentioned that they were heading up Darwin way on Friday. I figure that I would be spending the time and money just trying to find friends and rent a car anyway so I might as well skip the expense and go with two guys I know.

Also I helped Matthew (Kathleen’s son) skin a cow today. There is a big cattle show coming up soon and Don was mustering in the Delmore West Paddock , but he accidentally hit one of them with his ute, breaking its leg. He can sell damaged cattle so he shot it and gave it to Kathleen and her family. But Matthew was the only guy in the group at the moment so Ji and I drove out with Matthew, Kathleen, Elizabeth and Denisa to clean the killa. I did the knife while Ji and Matthew pulled back the skin. It was quite an interesting experience. I think we would have stayed to finish and to eat part of it with Matthew and them but Ji wanted to go when the cattle truck passed by. I imagine we would have actually been warmer staying by the fire with the aboriginals, than in the big truck with windows that don’t roll up.

So remember a few weeks back when I almost crashed a ute? One of the girls just rolled it. And not just rolled it but flipped it front over back, that’s hard to do. Even more amazing than that is that she escaped with only some big cuts and what was either a concussion or minor shock. Those are pretty big injuries, but considering what the car looked like after all was said and done she will never have any idea how luck she is to be alive. It was thoroughly trashed. We think she may have been following to close behind another ute in the big dust trail that is kicked up and swerved off to the side into the gutter but we might never know. She had some pretty weird memory loss right when it first happened and she still can’t remember the crash at all. When I first showed up at Dneiper homestead and saw Chloe surgically removing glass shards from Bridgett’s (crashed the car) foot, she commented on the fact that the huge gash went right through her favorite tattoo. 45 seconds later she made the same comment as if it were part of normal conversation. It was like this for the rest of the day. She would be flipping through pictures on the digital camera and commenting on them, get to the beginning and flip through again making the same comments. Short term memory loss is a very spooky thing to deal with. Of course Don had sliced his hand open whilst castrating a bull so he drove her halfway to town where they met an ambulance. She is ok now, she is in more pain but we’ve all been telling her that’s good because it means the shock has worn off.

I think this may be my last post from Delmore Downs now that it is Wednesday night and I started writing this on Saturday….. hahaha. But my adventure is not over I still close to two months left in Australia before going back to the states…and then….

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